Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The F-15 Fighter Jet

The following encyclopedia entry about the American built F-15 eagle was written in 1985. During this time the only record of of the F-15 in combat was when it was used by the Israeli air force during the wars in the Middle East. Also around this time was when the United States gathered information about Soviet work on what would become the MiG-29, and Su-27. This is what first sparked America's need for a stealth fighter which led to the development of the F-22.

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Typhoon Class SSBN

The largest submarine ever deployed was the Russian Typhoon class ballistic missile submarine during the late period of the Cold War. It had luxurious facilities for the crew so they could remain happy and satisfied during long deterrence patrols or nuclear war. The Russians decommissioned the Typhoon class in the late 2000's and replaced it with the smaller Borie class SSBN.

Good information on the Typhoon class submarine. This diagram does a great job of showing it's armament of ballistic missiles and tactical torpedoes, however it would be nice if it showed a cross section of what the submarine looked like in side.

This is a picture of the indoor swimming pool aboard the Typhoon class submarine. It is one of the luxurious facilities available for the crew.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Trident Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile

The Trident ballistic missile was designed in the late 1970s for the Ohio class submarine. The newest version of the missile was not deployed aboard U.S submarines until after the Cold War. Never the less it's large range, accuracy and payload finally make it possible for American submarines to have counter-force capability.
The following illustration is of the first Trident missile deployed in the mid 1980s. This great illustration shows it's size, but fails to depict a cross section of it's large payload which would have been great for this particular book.

German Jet Fighters of WW2

The race for the best Jet Fighter during WW2 was mostly a race between Britain and Germany. Although the RAF had the advanced Gloster Meteor as their Jet Fighter, the Germans were much more advanced and established. The issue for Germany came when Hitler demanded a jet fighter-bomber to attack allied forces in France, while his generals wanted a pure fighter plane to intercept allied air raids on German factories. Because they compromised, Germany ended up with a mediocre aircraft which wasn't good at intercepting or ground attack. Other German plans for advanced Jet Fighters planned but never came to full fruit because allied air attacks crippled German Industry and Research capabilities. After the War American and Soviet scientists raced to control German research and plans. The race to build the perfect jet fighter would continue in the Cold War.    

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Concorde Supersonic

The Concorde is one of the greatest passenger jets of all time. It's ability to break the sound barrier and make a transatlantic flight in 3 hours is an amazing technical feature lacked by many newer aircraft. It's truly a shame companies have abandoned the concept of supersonic passenger jets because of the high fuel costs. Even so the Concorde lives on a an aviation icon.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Intro to Gun Technology

A person has to learn about guns correctly before he can have a favorite intelligently discuss the subject. Modern video games depict a wide variety of firearms and teach the "advanced basics". For a person to better understand guns after learning the "advanced basics" he has to get the historical context. There are many parts which a person can begin with, but it is best to first learn about matchlock guns of post-medieval Europe and work up to modern weapons. The Following diagram from the book How Weapons Work by Christopher Chant depicts the technological developments in firing mechanisms starting with the matchlock and working up to the percussion cap mechanism popular during the American Civil War. Note that the last weapon featured at the bottom of the page is of a wheel-lock mechanism which was invented centuries before the percussion cap mechanism.


Nuclear War in 1980s Europe

A global war between the Soviet Union and United States was a hot topic in foreign affairs during the 1980s. Both sides had large stockpiles of deadly nuclear weapons and other technologically advanced armaments. This diagram is of Soviet and NATO forces deployed in Europe in the early 1980s which would have been the center of such a conflict. It is one of many interesting maps and illustrations from the book Nuclear War in the 1980s? By Christopher Chant and Ian Hogg.