Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ohio Class Replacement

The Ohio-Class is an old ballistic missile submarine from the mid 1980s was developed to attack the Soviet Union during a global nuclear war. Although the Ohio-Class carriers very power Trident ballistic missiles, along with tactical weapons such as torpedoes and tomahawk cruise missiles these submarines are aging and might not be effective in an upcoming conflict later in this century. 
Russia is currently replacing their Cold War counter part for the Ohio Class; the Typhoon class, with the new Borei class ballistic missile submarine. The Chinese Type 094 "is said to by the Pentagon to be a potent platform." Because of these new threats the United States must soon come up with a replacement for the Ohio-Class. At the same time, the United States is carrying the largest national debt in the world, and spending discipline will be an important part of the Project.

Things to See in a Replacement Submarine
During the Second World War the Japanese built a class of submarine carriers called the Sen Toku class. Many high ranking Japanese officials wanted to create a large fleet of submarine carriers and attack Los Angles and the Panama Canal. Although the Japanese never did this they brought an interesting technological idea into warfare. It would be very interesting to have an American missile submarine capable of launching UAVs equipped with weapons and sensors for combat and recon missions for use conflict such as Afghanistan. 
Although the United States and China seem to economically dependent on each other to start World War III, growing Chinese naval power could force bring about the need to replace the Trident ballistic missile. In that case a new missile submarine would be needed quickly to keep up with the new weapons technology. Another way could be to develop a small hyper-sonic cruise missile launched from vertical tubes, capable of carrying either nuclear or conventional warheads making it more versatile.
Although seemingly science fiction, creating an ultra sonic projectile which would travel so fast it wouldn't need a warhead could be a leap forward in naval weapons technology. However such a weapon may only be relevant for surface warships.  

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